New Year New Goals

After certain age the new year is not so exciting anymore and I am in that age already, but 2018 is here and I would like to wish all my readers a really good one.

The last year wasn’t as good as I expected… I thought that after obtaining my diploma in Interior Design all doors will open for me instantly and I will choose among job offers but this didn’t happen. That was a hard lesson from life but this led me to few good things. One of them was volunteering for Society of Saint Vincent de Paul where I met wonderful people and started to do window displays, which was something I was thinking of for a long time. I also appreciated more people around me, my friends and their support. Starting the blog was also a result of my difficulties with finding the job. I love Interior Design and wanted to be up to date with trends and wanted to share the knowledge and skills that I learned at school.


The start of the year is a time when people make new resolutions but research shows that most of them fail after a few weeks. I read an interesting article related to this subject here which I recommend. I decided to make some changes in my life and thought that a new year is a good time to start and that declaring my goals publicly will increase my chances to succeed.

In 2018 I want to:

  • Be more productive and work everyday on blog related tasks because when I write my post I often struggle to find perfect imagery or spend too much researching the topic. I was so far spontaneous and I need to organise that process. At the end of the year I happened to be sick, then I sunk in Christmas madness and haven’t published for weeks. I need to have backup for such situations.
  • I want to develop my writing skills as English is not my native language and we speak Polish at home. Sometimes it is hard to find words to describe things and I repeat the same word over and over. I want to read more design related articles and books and make notes.
  • Create an office space in a spare room to not work in my bedroom.
  • Exercise first thing in the morning during the week to look better and uplift my mood.
  • Have more social interactions both in the real life and online as I really suck at this.

I had a long list but I think there’s no point in overwhelming myself with expectations. Every little change can have a huge impact on life. I am starting from now on and will see where this will take me.

Do you make a new year’s resolution and would like to share it here? Please comment below and maybe we can motivate each other?

Thank you for being with me and reading the post.
