How To Decorate Easter Table?

This year I completely disregarded the Easter and am totally unprepared. Since I work in a coffee shop as a Barista (haven’t I told you that?) it may turn out that I will be working these days but as a designer, I was looking for some ideas for decorating the table for holidays. I gathered few inspirations for you that I find interesting and are a bit different from commonly used.


Easter 3




Whether you plan a dinner for 20 people or just meet some friends, I am sure you can find something for yourself among this inspirations and be creative with what you have already. Mix and match items, add few Easter themed items or tulips, daffodils or branches with young leaves to create this festive feeling.

Thanks for checking this post,


Free Online Resources For Interior Design


When you’re designing your room you don’t necessarily want to spend money on a design software. Not everyone has a natural flair for interiors or trained eye for design, but that doesn’t mean that you cannot compose an appealing colour scheme or plan your space. There are free websites and softwares that can help you in doing this. In today’s post I will share the ones I was using or still use in my interior design projects.


Monochrome interior mood board  created on Polyvore

  1. Polyvore is a website there you can create a mood boards for virtually anything: your outfit or your interior. It is an online platform where you can buy the stuff your used in the project, but you don’t necessarily have to and you can save your board or share on social media. I used to compose the boards on Polyvore for my college projects ,before I knew the design software.
  2. Room Planner by Pottery Barn is an online software where you create your floor plan. Put your room dimensions and use their ready-made blocks of furniture to plan your space. At the end you also get the full list with dimensions of furniture you used.
  3. Google SketchUp is a 3D modelling software to download to your computer (SketchUp Make version is free). It is quite simple to use and you can model your room in 3D which is very handy if you don’t have the ability to imagine how your space will look like. 3D Warehouse feature allows you to download already modelled furniture to your project. 
    A quick 3D model of a living room made in Google SketchUp Make


  4.  Pinterest is an online source of inspiration where you create your boards and collect pictures there. You can simply create a board for your room and pin the images of inspiration there. It is really handy to define your style and to keep ideas for later. I have to warn you that it is very addictive though and can be a huge time waster as well 😉
  5.  BBC Design Rules on YouTube- I recommend to watch the whole series of 6 episodes if you’re at the beginning of your journey with decorating a home. It’s necessary to know the rules first to break them like a pro 😉
  6. Adobe Color CC will create a colour scheme for you wether it is analogous, triadic or complementary. Choose the colour from the wheel and choose the option in the dropdown menu. If you download an inspiration photo Adobe Color CC will pick the colours and create the colour scheme for you.

These six free design tools will help you to decorate beautiful rooms and create cohesive design, but that doesn’t mean that you will become an Interior Designer only with them… Designing for yourself is completely different than designing for others and there’s many restrictions and rules like building regulations, ergonomics or health and safety principles that have to be considered. Always consult projects that involve construction work with a professional.

Thanks for reading my post,
